Le Futur
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Please, choose among the 5 following options:

Tarot Reading

1.Complete Reading, lasts a minimum of 1 hour, only $99.00:

Complete analysis of your current situation: What you have achieved, what the future holds for you regarding your work, your family , your love life and your health.
Month by month predictions for the year to come.
Answers to a few specific questions.

2. Specific Question, approximately 30 minutes per question, only $51.00 per question:

Detailed answer to any questions you may have.

Astrology Readings

3. Complete Astral Theme, lasts a minimum of 1 hour and 15 minutes, only $109.00:

Personality description.
Career path.
Compatibility charts.
Solar and Lunar signs, ascendant, planetary influences.
Detailed description of what to expect for the year ahead.

4. Specific Questions, approximately 30 minutes per question, only $49.00 per question:

Solar, Lunar signs and ascendant.
Detailed answer to a specific question.

5. Past Life Experiences Reports. only $25.00:

Colette Martine uses both tarot and astrological charts to explore your past life and finds out who you were, where you lived, your occupation, your characteristic traits and so much more.


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